How to install Metamask on your smartphone

3 min readMar 1, 2023


Step 1: Download the application on your mobile

A wallet is a personal key to interact with the cryptocurrency world. You can buy, sell or transfer assets on the blockchain.

MetaMask is the most diverse blockchain wallet that exists. It is the gateway to its ecosystem and collectibles.

It is available as an app for iOS and Android. In addition, it can be used as an extension on some web browsers (computer only) such as Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Edge

To do so, go to the link adapted to your mobile, available on the app store on your smartphone (Google Play Store for Android devices, App Store for iOS devices).

Step 2: Configure your MetaMask wallet

Here you are asked if you have already set up a MetaMask wallet and, if so, if you want to log in.

A mnemonic is a term for a series of words to connect to your wallet. It is extremely important that you keep this phrase hidden from view and not lose it. You must not share this string of words with anyone, as in their possession, they will be able to steal all your cryptocurrencies.

If you forget your password to log in to your MetaMask account, you can always recover it using your phrase. But if you also lose it, then your wallet will be lost.

If you have already set up your wallet before, click on “Import Wallet” and follow the rest of the steps indicated by MetaMask. If not, click on “Create wallet”.

You will then be asked to create a password. Do not use simple passwords or passwords you have used before.

Pay attention to the video that will then start and take into consideration the safety tips mentioned.

Step 3: The recovery phrase

After the video, you will be asked to activate the recovery phrase or to do so later. We strongly advise you to set it up immediately.

You will then be given the 12 words that will make up your recovery phrase. It is strongly recommended that you keep it in a safe place.

In the next step, you will be asked to put the 12 words in order. This step allows you to verify that no mistakes were made.

Congratulations, you have completed the setup of your digital wallet.

Step 4: Using MetaMask on your mobile

Once the setup is done, you will have access to your wallet.

On the homepage, you will see the interface of your Ethereum wallet with your funds and your public Ethereum address (0x…), which will be your passport on the blockchain.

A tutorial is available here, on how to change blockchain to Polygon network.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to join our Discord or to go to our contact page at the bottom of the website.

